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Local Public Health Units

Local Public Health Units across North Dakota have worked collaboratively together for many years. In August 2010, this relationship was formalized through a Joint Powers Agreement to form the ND SACCHO, a state association for ND Local Public Health Units. SACCHOs have been formed in many states across the nation to streamline communication between state and local public health agencies, and to stay apprised of national public health initiatives such as continuous quality improvement and public health accreditation.

The purpose of ND SACCHO is to improve coordination of local public health department efforts across the state, enhance consistent messaging and education, improve training and advocacy and share best practices.

ND SACCHO is governed by an Executive Committee with representatives from local public health units, the State Health Department and the North Dakota Association of Counties. There are many challenges that local public health units face today and the overall goal of the association is to provide a collegial environment with the tools and resources necessary to enhance the provision of quality public health programs and the Ten Essential Public Health Services.

Improving Local Public Health Units